what we do











E-Waste Recycling

Recycling of e-waste is a growing trend instigated to promote environmental health due to the widespread environmental pollution. According to recent studies, 52.2 million metric tonnes of e-waste were generated globally in 2021, with a 17% increase from 2015. (source:NEA) At HLS, we are committed to becoming your 'One Stop Waste Management' service provider by personalizing our extensive and diversified services to your specific requirements. We strive alongside our customers to achieve zero-landfill in our services while also ensuring greater returns on your e-waste through the use of cutting-edge technologies. Our E-waste recycling services include collection, segregation, and disassembly, and are certified to preserve your brand's reputation. This is in accordance with the Environment Agency to guarantee that our recycling methods are ecologically friendly.

Security controls are in place during transportation


Segregation of raw materials

Dismantling and/or destruction of raw materials

Report submission

Weighing after

Confidential Document Destruction

HLS Confidential Document Destruction Secure document destruction to protect confidential information. We have a security management system such as a biometric access reader in the entry, CCTV surrounding the premises, and 24-hour security. We provide comfortable, cost-effective solutions to help you guarantee compliance with your document destruction policy.

Destruction at HLS, HLS will provide bin with a security seal to ensure it is safe during Transportation

Issuance of Certificate of Destruction and Collection Advice.

Intellectual Property Destruction

HLS utilises cutting-edge technology to assure customers intellectual properties are destroyed in a secure manner. HLS provides a barcode scanner to capture the serial number in order to fulfill customer audit requirements.

Destruction on-site or at HLS.

Intellectual property may undergo barcode scanning.

The shredded materials are sent for incineration or recycling

Onsite Data Destruction

HLS onsite data destruction services are performed to the US 5220 DoD Standards. Our reliable process is fully certified with security and your go-to source for data elimination. Our Onsite Data Destruction process can also be set up for your observation. NSA and US 5220 DoD Standards generally refer to,

  1. Demounting of servers and equipment, removing of HDD/SSD/Media Tape;
  2. Barcode scanning;
  3. Degaussing;
  4. Transportation of the processed materials back to HLS;
  5. Issuance of a Certificate of Destruction.

Barcode scanning and degaussing or data wiping for data destruction.

The process is witnessed by customers.

HLS removes the Hard Disk Drive (HDD), media tape from servers. Barcode scanning and degaussing or data wiping for data destruction

Issuance of Certificate of Destruction and report submission.

Precious Metal Recovery

HLS extracts precious metals from the materials that we gather. Once the item has been gathered and assessed, the sample testing results will be delivered to the customer. These metals will then be segregated into ferrous and non-ferrous materials before being processed for precious metal recovery. We have state-of-the-art technology and equipment to ensure the waste and the gas emissions produced are Environmental compliant.

The total materials collected are weighed.

Sample testing results are sent to customers

Small lot of materials are retrieved for sample testing and sent for laboratory tests at HLS after crushing and grinding

Precious metals recovered are smelted and become precious metal ingot.